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Helen is an intuitive business coach and solo wanderer. She’s created a lifestyle of freedom where you chase your dreams and build a business and travel the world.

It's through this journey of work and travel where her larger mission unfolded, her intuition deepened and found herself synchronistically traveling to predestined locations.

She blazes a new trail of how you can live and create your own version of Heavenly Earth while on the road to finding your destiny through the love of locational astrology. 

With her combined business expertise, love for systems, nomad experience and intuition– she’s cracked the code to creating stability in the nomad lifestyle allowing us to fly free with a peace of mind.

KJ Atlas is a poetic whisperer of energy and the ether. Astrology is the language of nature and KJ has made it her mission to decode its complexities into something useful, meaningful, and practical.

She approaches astrology strategically with a background in science, psychology, and health, and has an insatiable curiosity for the human mind.

A seasoned nomad and travel enthusiast, she’s an expert in locational astrology and will help you find the best places for you to live and visit based on your unique energy and timing. She also specializes in business birth chart readings and CEO astrology coaching. Having synesthesia, she not only reads your chart, but “feels” your chart and energy in colors she then turns into custom art.

She is a graduate of Portland School of Astrology and has trained under Jan Spiller’s lineage.

business coach, spiritual teacher and world traveler

Helen       Simkins

She blazes a new trail of how you can live and create your own version of Heavenly Earth while on the road to finding your destiny through the love of locational astrology.

With her combined business expertise, love for systems, nomad experience and intuition– she’s cracked the code to creating stability in the nomad lifestyle allowing us to fly free with a peace of mind.

Helen is an intuitive business coach and solo wanderer. Over the last five years she’s created a lifestyle of freedom where you chase your dreams and build a business and travel the world.

It's through this journey of work and travel where her larger mission unfolded, her intuition deepened and found herself synchronistically traveling to predestined locations.

meet the author

Send me a DM with "specialword" and I'll treat you to something special :) @helensimkins

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